Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
During an IT integration project or during the life cycle of softwares such as SAP HR, there are numerous tasks that are repetitive and time consuming. The Seed-IT tools offer solutions to reduce the constraint of those tasks and increase the efficiency.
The data checker is a tool designed to compare two different sources of numerical data. Typically used during the testing phase of a payroll or time projects, the tool compare automatically the results of a payroll calculation in the legacy system with the same run in the newly designed solution. The results of the comparison allows the identification of significative differences that needs correction or adjustments.
The transfer tool is a tool allowing the transfer of master data files from one system to another. This is particularly useful in a support process. Reproducing an error in an acceptance or development environnement is always difficult unless you can guarantee that you have the same data.
Tools help our customers to simplify their operations and increase their
productivity through processes automation. Seed-IT can work hand to hand with
customers to develop specific solutions within SAPHR or outside. We have developed
solutions using technologies such as SAPUI5 and .NET